Beginning your own company requires a significant time investment. Given the current state of affairs, this choice is appearing to be more appealing to a growing number of individuals. A job where they can determine their own hours is something that a lot of people are looking for these days. This is something that should be kept in mind, especially if you have a family. The ability to make money without interfering with family life is one reason why many people are turning to direct sales. One company you may have heard of is Pink Zebra. In this Pink Zebra MLM review, we will take a look at the products to find out if this is a reasonable way to make money. There are a few things you should know beforehand. So let us get started.
What is Pink Zebra MLM?
Pink Zebra is a multi-level marketing organization, often known as a direct sales company. MLM stands for “multi-level marketing.” In case you were unaware, “multi-level marketing” is the newest buzzword for organizations who operate in this industry.
Tom and Kelly Gaines are responsible for the establishment of Pink Zebra. Houston, in the state of Texas, is home to the company’s main office. Candles, diffusers, simmer pots, aroma diffusers, kitchen goods, and spa candles are some of the products that are available.
Do You Get Your Money’s Worth When Purchasing Pink Zebra Products?
The prices of the products range from very low to a little bit high, depending on the sort of product that is purchased. For instance, the Penguin Simmer Pot Bundle (shown below) is part of a limited edition that is only available for a limited time. This bundle includes the Simmer Pot as well as a 3.75-ounce container of Berries & Cream Sprinkles. The sprinkles have a wax construction, and as they melt in the container, they release a pleasant scent.
There are other goods on the market that are quite similar and cost less. On Amazon, for instance, you can get wax simmer pots that are very similar to the one you have for a starting price of $16.99 and going higher from there.
Pink Zebra Reviews
After searching the internet for various reviews of their products, I came across a few screenshots, which I will now provide for your perusal. The one that truly stood out, though, is the Facebook post that can be found directly on the Pink Zebra Facebook page and which reads as follows:
The Opportunity Consisting of a Pink Zebra
You have the option of either being recruited by someone else or signing up on the internet to participate in the compensation plan offered by pink zebra. You will also get access to your very own personal website after completing the program. In addition, within the first three months after you sign up, you will be entitled to free products with a total value of over $575.
What are the fees involved in becoming a member of Pink Zebra?
To become a member of Pink Zebra, you will need to make an initial deposit. You can choose between the following two different starter kits: The cost of the basic starter kit is $129, while the cost of the deluxe kit is $199.
Is There a Way to Earn Money Using Pink Zebra?
A commission of 25–35 percent can be earned on all products sold by a Consultant. Your commission rate will increase proportionately to the number of products you sell. If you personally sponsor another member of your team, you are eligible for an additional 7% enrollment bonus.
Pros of Pink Zebra \sWebsite included: Although after the first month you will be required to pay a fee for establishing a website, doing so will result in increased visibility to potential customers. Once you have paying customers, those customers can place orders through a gateway on your website, and you will receive a commission on all of the product sales.
A Wide Variety of Festive Products There is a wide variety of candles and scented products that center around holidays such as Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Some of these holidays include:
Not Only for Get-Togethers: The ability of Pink Zebra Consultants to sell products at fairs, expos, exhibitions, and other temporary retail events is one of the aspects that sets this company apart from others in the industry.
One of the advantages of having this kind of job is that you can organize your own timetable. You are not employed by the company in any capacity. Since you are a consultant, you are in charge of setting your own hours.
Pink Zebra’s Expensive Starter Kit has the Following Drawbacks: You will be required to pay at least $129 for the essential starter kit right away, even if you haven’t yet made even a single sale. Let us hope that you are able to sell products worth $129 in order to offset the expense.
Complaints Received by the BBB (Better Business Bureau) The BBB (Better Business Bureau) has received a number of consumer complaints, some of which include the following: (1) inadequate customer support for new Consultants; (2) delivery problems; and (3) subpar items.
Costs Associated with Websites: If you sign up to become a Consultant, you will receive a website that is free of charge for the first month only. After that point, you will be required to pay a maintenance fee of $11.95 per month in order to keep your website online, regardless of whether or not you sell anything.
You Are Responsible for Paying Taxes and Shipping Costs Taxes are a given, of course. You are responsible for paying applicable state taxes on all of your orders. In addition, you are responsible for paying the shipping charges for any orders that are less than $50. When you spend more than $50, shipping is on the house.
Is Pink Zebra A Scam?
It is helpful if you have a lot of connections, but you do not need need your own website. You’ll be able to put away some cash on a regular basis thanks to this strategy. Even if it wasn’t a hoax, getting a job that pays well requires a significant amount of effort.
A Few Parting Thoughts
In my view, it takes a specific kind of individual to be successful in the kinds of positions that are being discussed here. You need to be someone who is self-assured, extroverted, and enjoys working hard. Simply put, not everyone will enjoy doing so. Unfortunately, it is highly unlikely that you will make as much money as you anticipate making.
When working in sales like this, it’s not uncommon to have feelings of exhaustion. You wind up devoting a significant amount of your personal time to pursuing sales despite receiving very little compensation for doing so.